Sunday, June 20, 2010

~ Running Through Fields of Daisies ~

I want my readers to meet my son, Brian and his wife, Tracy and their new recent addition, their daughter, Addison Grace. Bruce and I are very proud of these "three" and might add "the love we have for all three of them". Our son serves as a Youth Pastor and Campus Director for the University where they both met and our daughter-in-law serves a Clinical Nurse Manager. We are very proud of our family.

Goodness, it won't be long and some sweet day; my precious grand-daughter "Addison Grace" will be able to walk and run through the "fields of daisies" with her parents and grandparents. We all know how quick all babies grow and learn to do things on their own. She is almost 2 months old now and we see her changing week by week. She's starting to adapt her own sweet personality and I love to put her in my arms and talk to her. She looks and listens so intently, while flinging her arms and legs; and smiles at her "Gran-ma and Pops". Of course; we just soak in the warmth of her love...oh, let me tell you; our hearts just melts for the love of our granddaughter.

So, as some years go by; I anticipate that right age of her "picking daisies" for the ones she loves and are special in her life! I truly can picture this in my mind; ...with her little hands; reaching down and picking those flowers; running through the fields of daisies...again, I see her hair blowing in the wind and her eyes as bright as the noon-day! She'll have a smile that melts the heart of every grandparent when she gives her freshly picked daisies to them!!!!!! We have so much to look forward to with the family we have grown to love.

Who knows what the future holds; but, maybe "Addison Grace" will grow up to be an artist that can paint pictures of this liking. My mother was an artist who painted all the time and she enjoyed what she did and I truly believe it was a joy for her daily and lasted until this carried her into the arms of Jesus. One never knows what talents God will give to a person to bring joy in their life...just something simple as a painting of "fields of daisies" or maybe just pick daisies to put in the windowsill to make a house a home.

So, I am going to enjoy my "Addison Grace" and watch her run through the "Fields of Daisies"

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