Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Family Reunions As Time Goes Along" ~ Memories Are Shattered

Memories are shattered....year after year! I wanted to share with my readers about the large family I come from and why reunions are important; but it's important that I say; memories are shattered by:

"Bitterness" is an emotional cancer that consumes many a person who once had the bloom of eternal springtime in his heart. Where does it come from? Usually from being hurt. Perhaps you were abused as a child, rejected by someone, fired from a job, or even bypassed at church. Bitterness sets in when the hurt goes unresolved. There is a solution.

If you've been wronged and bitterness has become so strong that you can almost taste its bile within your mouth, then it's time to pursue it with a holy vengeance. With the Spirit's spade, root it out. Draw a circle that takes in those who have wronged you. Forgive them for Christ's sake!

ACTION POINT: Bow before the Lord this morning and ask for grace and power to uproot the bitterness that has taken hold in your heart and is robbing you of the joy you desire. In the book of Isaiah 38:15..."What shall I say?; He has both spoken to me, and He Himself has done it..I shall walk carefully all my years in the bitterness of my soul".

So, when a member of our family removes their bitterness for one - then we can move out of this "memories are shattered" and have happy day reunions.
Here you see a picture that my oldest brother "Vernon and his wife Geri" purchased on a mountain top in West Virginia...built them a home up there and you guessed it...that's where the reunions take place year after year...sad and breaks my heart though because we went there this past May, 2010 and only a hand-full of "family" was there! I put much blame on myself because of the "wearing that bitterness on my shoulders and hurt feelings". I must say God is not happy with a family of 15 brothers and sisters who just can not get along because of "bitterness". But, someday ....we will all answer for the things we have said and done to offend family members and with that...I include myself.
So, what in the world would you do with a large family who just cannot get along. I suggest that we pray for one another and make every attempt to get to that mountain-top called "Mt Vernon" and share our memories with our love ones!!!! Then God would move in a mighty way in our family and we would see more contentment with one another.
When I take time out of my busy schedule to look at older "reunion pictures" up on that mountain top...I pray for God to remove any bitterness in my heart from any brother or sister I have wronged. When we have broken fellowship with our brothers and sisters on earth..."how are we going to have fellowship with our Father in Heaven"? Let's grow up and move beyond....

Lastly, here is another picture of the oldest brother Vernon and his wife Geri on the mountain (named by another sister, Becky Shaeffer) which is Mt. Vernon and I truly believe they both built this home with love; for our family to gather there every year in May to unite, come together and celebrate years gone and to hear stories about what each are doing and what they are doing now!!! Every year - there is just a hand-full of family who shows up in May...and I know it breaks his heart when he looks around and only sees "that few" who took the time out of their busy schedules to re-unite with brothers and sisters they have not seen in a long, long time.
Like I say, we went this past May, 2010 and because of unconfessed sin; bad attitudes and forgiveness from members of my family - I felt "out of place". I truly can say in my "blog" I have done my part in sending out letters of forgiveness; made phone calls (and did not take my call) for what ever reason...but, I pray that each one of them will find it in their heart to lay aside all bitterness and malice and come together this next May, 2011 and have a HAPPY RUDD REUNION...that is, if God chooses to bless us another year and He doesn't call one of us home with Him. I can without reservation; honestly say I do love my family and I will pray for all daily!
God speed until we meet again...
Veronica Celeste Rudd Arnold

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