Wooden Rails & Splinters
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
My First Grand-Daughter; "Addison Grace"
Funny how time goes - especially in a little one's eyes. There is absolutely nothing she can do on her own. She depends solely on her mommy and daddy to take care of her. She cannot feed herself; she cannot change her wet diapers; she cannot take her own baths and how marvelous can things be for our grown up minds to realize her dependency upon her parents to help her thrive in this world.
Now, here she is in her early months of age (around 1 month old) and her mommy and daddy agreed to raise her up in church and to be sure to teach her about Jesus. In fact; I was speaking to Brian (who is my son) not too long ago and he shared with me on Sunday mornings; Sunday nights and Wednesday nights - he will look at her with those big blue eyes and tells her......"princess, let's go see Jesus". Is that not the sweetest thing a mother can hear from her son? Only brings back fond memories of when we promised to keep our son in church and to teach him the values and principals of family and what God expected from christian parents; because you see, that's what God tells us to do in His word. I meditate many days upon my grand-daugher and the love I have for her. I am so thankful to God because I never had a daughter - but I do have my daughter-in-law and I have always looked at as the daughter I never had. I pray that God will always protect and bless them.
I'm with her - whether I'm feeding her or changing her diaper; I always smile at her and say...."grand-mommy loves your darlin" and she just smiles so BIG for me. Then she gets excited and frails her feet and arms with excitement. I just can hardly put her down for her naps during the day - that's the love I have for her.
She awakes from her naps in such good moods. I love Christ more than anything in the world and want to serve Him with my whole heart. I love my husband second and my own son whom I love dearly...but, let me tell you - Addison Grace falls right in line behind them. I heard many grand-mothers tell me..."just wait until you have grand-children". It's the life you have never imagined. Well, I'm there now and let me tell you - Addison Grace is my sweet little princess - for sure!
This is funny; her mommy started her on a pacifier in her one month/two month years of age and would have nothing to do with them. She chose her little fingers to suck on. See this sweet little picture of her!!!! ~ Her mommy tucked the pacifiers away for now and said okay..it will be your fingers. I put her up on my shoulders and before long - she's sucking on her two fingers and soon she will be fast asleep. God loves my little Addison Grace and so do I.
Now, do you honestly think I as just a bit biased in my love for her? Every grand-mother out there feels the exact same way as I do with their grand-children...
We all think the sun rises and sits on them. She so has the joy of my life and I enjoy so much being around her because she brings joy to my life. I love to see her happy and smile. Why?, because it makes me happy!
Monday, August 30, 2010
"The Cross Born ~ And Life Goes On"
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
"Family Reunions As Time Goes Along" ~ Memories Are Shattered
"Bitterness" is an emotional cancer that consumes many a person who once had the bloom of eternal springtime in his heart. Where does it come from? Usually from being hurt. Perhaps you were abused as a child, rejected by someone, fired from a job, or even bypassed at church. Bitterness sets in when the hurt goes unresolved. There is a solution.
If you've been wronged and bitterness has become so strong that you can almost taste its bile within your mouth, then it's time to pursue it with a holy vengeance. With the Spirit's spade, root it out. Draw a circle that takes in those who have wronged you. Forgive them for Christ's sake!
ACTION POINT: Bow before the Lord this morning and ask for grace and power to uproot the bitterness that has taken hold in your heart and is robbing you of the joy you desire. In the book of Isaiah 38:15..."What shall I say?; He has both spoken to me, and He Himself has done it..I shall walk carefully all my years in the bitterness of my soul".
So, when a member of our family removes their bitterness for one - then we can move out of this "memories are shattered" and have happy day reunions.
Lastly, here is another picture of the oldest brother Vernon and his wife Geri on the mountain (named by another sister, Becky Shaeffer) which is Mt. Vernon and I truly believe they both built this home with love; for our family to gather there every year in May to unite, come together and celebrate years gone and to hear stories about what each are doing and what they are doing now!!! Every year - there is just a hand-full of family who shows up in May...and I know it breaks his heart when he looks around and only sees "that few" who took the time out of their busy schedules to re-unite with brothers and sisters they have not seen in a long, long time.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
~ Running Through Fields of Daisies ~
I want my readers to meet my son, Brian and his wife, Tracy and their new recent addition, their daughter, Addison Grace. Bruce and I are very proud of these "three" and might add "the love we have for all three of them". Our son serves as a Youth Pastor and Campus Director for the University where they both met and our daughter-in-law serves a Clinical Nurse Manager. We are very proud of our family.
Goodness, it won't be long and some sweet day; my precious grand-daughter "Addison Grace" will be able to walk and run through the "fields of daisies" with her parents and grandparents. We all know how quick all babies grow and learn to do things on their own. She is almost 2 months old now and we see her changing week by week. She's starting to adapt her own sweet personality and I love to put her in my arms and talk to her. She looks and listens so intently, while flinging her arms and legs; and smiles at her "Gran-ma and Pops". Of course; we just soak in the warmth of her love...oh, let me tell you; our hearts just melts for the love of our granddaughter.
So, as some years go by; I anticipate that right age of her "picking daisies" for the ones she loves and are special in her life! I truly can picture this in my mind; ...with her little hands; reaching down and picking those flowers; running through the fields of daisies...again, I see her hair blowing in the wind and her eyes as bright as the noon-day! She'll have a smile that melts the heart of every grandparent when she gives her freshly picked daisies to them!!!!!! We have so much to look forward to with the family we have grown to love.
So, I am going to enjoy my "Addison Grace" and watch her run through the "Fields of Daisies"
Thursday, June 17, 2010
"Pleasant Pieces of Lace, Linens and Pearls" ~ My Favorites!!
"The Legend Of The Pearl"
An organic gem, pearls are formed inside mollusks such as oysters and mussels. They are formed when an irritant such as a tiny stone or a wee bit of sand gets trapped inside their shell. Then a lustrous substance called "nacre" is secreted around the object to protect the soft internal surface of the mollusk. As layer upon layer of nacre coats the irritant, a pearl is formed. Light that is reflected from these overlapping layers produces a characteristic iridescent luster. This process of building a solid pearl can take up to seven or eight years.